
NucleusLinks seamlessly integrates with over 60 widely-used global affiliate networks, encompassing Primary Affiliate Networks, Sub-Affiliate Networks, and CPC Networks (including 6 RTB-enabled networks).

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Which RTB-enabled networks are LIVE?

  • SitePlug
  • Admedia
  • VEVE
  • Noctemque
  • Sourceknowledge


How do RTB networks work?

NucleusLinks deeply integrates with 6 different RTB-enabled networks, seamlessly enabling them to bid for every click. When an RTB network is configured as one of the competing networks for a merchant or brand, NucleusLinks sends an API request to the RTB network asking it for an ad upon every click received on the merchant’s or brand’s NucleusLinks tracking link. If the RTB network responds back with a valid ad (a bid and a tracking link), it then stands a chance to win the click, provided its bid is higher than the EPC of other competing networks.


How to integrate RTB networks?

  • Connect with the network’s POC and get your login created
  • Simply enter the RTB API credentials of your account within the NucleusLinks dashboard and get started
  • Configure the RTB network within multiple brands/merchants


What are the advantages of integrating RTB networks?

Despite not having a deal available, integrating RTB-enabled networks for all brands can be advantageous since the network would receive a request for each click. This enables the RTB network to know the click potential, negotiate accordingly and return back with a better deal.

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